Recommended Books and Publications

The recommended books for the course are listed below. Those which are required reading are highlighted with an asterisk *. All the books are available online from the usual places, and often available more cheaply secondhand.

  • * Being with Dying - Joan Halifax.
  • * Yoga Sutras - Patanjali. I recommend the version by Mukunda Stiles for its accessibility but if you already have another version that you use, that's fine.
  • Adapting Yoga for People Living with Cancer - Jude Mills. Available from the publisher Singing Dragon - or in all the usual booky places.
  • Standing at the Edge - Joan Halifax

I also urge you to access the publications videos and other resources from You will need to create an account. PDFs can be downloaded for free, or you can order physical copies.

The following PDFs are a good place to start...

MAC11646_E09_R_talkingaboutcancer_low res_20220609.pdf
MAC11631_E09_R_Talking w someone_20230207_KA_lowres.pdf
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